Sunday, December 23, 2007

Reality of Dawood and the other moderators of Islam Community

Dawood the hypocrite

This person is considered the most innocent one in the community.

but his reality is different. with all his hypocritic innocence he disrespect our beloved Prophet (SAW) and Sahaba Karam (RA)

and if by any chance someone catch him what dawood normally do is send a message in moderators community that he is quiting his moderation for personal reasons and run away for few days till the issue is gone to back pages.

i was keeping an eye on him from long time.

just keep on checking this page and i will update this page with the hypocrisy of dawood.

here i start with his latest attempt of disrespect of Sahaba (RA)

Click here to look at dawood messages:

Dec 9

Dawood (away)


"Muslims who have fought wars with Prophet (sawh) and seen him during their life time are Sahabis"

That is exactly what i thought but according to Quran we know that some people who accepted islam were hypocrites.

There are many many many verses in quran regarding the hypocrites among the muslims of that time:

for example, here are just 2:

YUSUFALI: Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are hypocrites, as well as (desert Arabs) among the Medina folk: they are obstinate in hypocrisy: thou knowest them not: We know them: twice shall We punish them: and in addition shall they be sent to a grievous penalty.

YUSUFALI: They swear by Allah that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which Allah and His Messenger had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back (to their evil ways), Allah will punish them with a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: They shall have none on earth to protect or help them.

so how do you differentiate between the good and bad sahabi?

Dec 9

Dawood (away)

i see that Quran itself is criticizing and calling many sahabis hypocrites.

this is the reality of dawood. he uses ayats from Quran to disrespect Sahaba (RA)

click here to see dawood stand over the rule #9 for respect of Sahaba (RA) which he opposed

Dec 22 (18 hours ago)

Dawood (away)


Bolour said this:

“After Daud's post I already said that I'm ready to re-consider my Stand.”

after my post with i deleted the next day. If you want to look at my post again, i can copy paste it again. I was in a pissed off mood. If you'd like to understand bolour's statement i'd paste my reply again.
Dec 22 (18 hours ago)

Dawood (away)

I'll post it anyways.

The problem is not only with what certain members said about the sahabas(R.A), ofcourse it has hurt certain sunnis but it doesn't justify the "fasadi" attitude by these so called defenders of Sahaba's (R.A) respect.
Now before somone accuse me of supporting people who criticize sahabas(R.A) then i wanna ask them whom should i support?
Support those who can't talk, act, behave, and deal in different situations like muslims while supposedly defending Sahabas(R.A)?

Ofcourse being a sunni i dare not, let alone abuse, criticize a Sahaba(R.A) but it doesn't mean I should act like this man:

A man who killed his daughter by choking her because she doesn't wanna take hijab.

There are islamic ways to get things done but few members in our community dont have any idea how to manage situations in a civilized manner. They are not ANY different than the man above. The girl doesn't wanna take hijab so yeah lets kill her. Wow what a perfect way to get things accomplished!!!

Similarly, if a shia member criticizes a sahaba(R.A).... yeah lets permanently ban him/her that'll keep our egos happy and it will solve the problem. Lets start kicking people out of Islam community because they dont deserve Islam. Islam is only for those who follow "OUR" aqeedah. And lets even forget about correcting them but rather curse and wish hell for them. AMEEN SUMMA AMEEN.

Im disgusted to see "how" people defend the respect of Sahabas(R.A) while thrashing their own self-respect and the image of Islam towards other muslims and non-muslims who enter our community and read their way of objecting and whinning all over the community in EVERY THREAD.

i bet there are christians and hindus out there laughing at the condition of muslims in this community.

Apart from this amendment we mods should do something to control this attitude of people in the community because such attitude has damaged islam's image worldwide.

at one side he is presenting verses of Quran to disrespect Sahaba (RA) at other side he is worried about the image of Islam.

what a hypocrite he is

Dawood precious comments for protecting Sana who abused one of the Sahaba (RA)

Nov 4

Dawood (away)

agreed to point 5, 6 and 12.

5- I think we are forgetting the moto of the change, its not to make people leave the community but to make them more tollerant to each other.

6- .......,her replies have been reported as 'fabrication in interpretation' which i think is grammatically not correct, interpretation cant be fabricated, and interpretation cant be a lie.

Both sides are now exaggerating accusations on each other.

Everyone need to accept the fact that sana is shia (NOT A SUNNI). There are difference of opinion and the argument she provided based on that one hadees (Abu Hurraira being unreliable) is purely valid

There was nothing wrong with that argument except that it was sectarian in nature.

My observation is that Saifi exaggerated the accusations on her and now even sana is exaggerating accusation on Saifi by taking the word "confused" and adding her own out of context and wrong meaning to the word "confused" based on the sentence in which saifi used it:

Now when he called Umul momineen as "confused" or someone who could not understand what Prophet(S) said....Could ALSO be termed as something really bad...which is also EQUALLY offensive in nature...

the red part is an exaggeration.

I RUN every morning
I RUN a buisness

Same word (run) 2 different meanings.

Confused (in the context of saifi's reply) meant as she didn't knew the whole context of what Abu hurraira was talking about.
Confused in his context did not mean something really bad or offensive AT ALL.

what i understand what Saifi meant to say is that Ayesha(r.a) was confused because she used to lay infront of Prophet (saw) while he used to pray and he didn't say anything. So what abu hurraira said must be regarding non-mehram women which Ayesha (r.a) must have not known about. (this is my intuition of why Saifi used the word Confused. It was not offensive based on the context of the argument)
Nov 4

Dawood (away)

I would also like to say that MEMBERS need to stay out of it COMPLETELY.

It is non of their business to propose punishments on someone. Whether we give her permanent, 7, one day or even 1 min ban.

People are forgetting that Quran tells us to ENJOIN PATIENCE AND TRUTH ON EACH OTHER (Surat Asr).

But i always see people enjoining punishments on each other.

according to dawood if sana is shia she has rights to abuse Sahaba(RA). than we can say those cartonist who disrespected our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم were ok as they were not muslims nauzubillah???

how pathetic these people are. are they really muslims or they are some non muslims behind the ids of muslims in islam community

Nov 5

Dawood (away)


"thats a future event that he fears that if he again takes the governorshiip position his back will be beaten his money will be taken means all things that happened to him will happen again.."

Since i need to know the context of this story and that you interpreting that Abu hurraira feared his back being beaten "again". The quote you guys are quoting says that he "feared that his back would be beaten"
but i want to know whether he said it because he had been beaten once before. I want to know the previous story and the context of it all.

both are quoting without reference and context, its getting hard to come to a decision.

another post with golden words about Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA)

Dawood stand over the usman latest issue where usman have used such disgusting words for our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

Dec 22 (18 hours ago)

Dawood (away)

"We all also know that it is not always possible for a mature woman and man to have sex and conceive. "

Saifi you are making me worry about your position as a moderator. What is wrong with that argument which was used as a general rule that it is not "always" possible for a mature woman and man to have sex and concieve??

Tell me saifi, is it ALWAYS possible for you to have sex with any mature woman and concieve?

i dont even know how else to explain it further which should be self-explanatory

i can't understand on what basis you took his argument the way you did. I feel like banning the person who complained to begin with for creating unnecessary issues and complains just because he can't comprehend english.

What the hell is going on in community people making issues out of NOTHING!
It is because of such pathetic complains the community is in tatters.

Dec 23 (15 hours ago)

Dawood (away)


Action which i took was on complains of members

You should have comprehension skill of your own too. If you can't understand that Usman's statement was general and not specific to Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) and prophet Muhammad(PBUH) then I am very disturbed to see you as a mod. Now lets look at which members were complaining:

Azhar,kashif,waseem,khurram,adnan,mehek,first fighter,abduallah, etc

THe same group of people who mysteriously joined the islam community and are known as fakies by SEVERAL MEMBERS INCLUDING ME. I saw khurram's scrapbook when it was not private and he joined islam community the same day when he made his profile. many people that he has in his friendlist were going in his scrapbook "who is this and why are you adding me" "Do i know you" etc etc.

and you bring us complains from these fakies as credible complains. Everyone knows that how this group does their bandwagon effect.

There are several members who complained.Are they all wrong or what, they can see that writing such words about PROPHET {SAW} and HADRAT AYESHA {RA} is not islamic in any way

Several members? i dont think its several members. Bunch of fake profiles are not considered several members in my eyes. If there are 10 idiots in one room and one sensible guy, it doesn't mean that what the ten idiots are saying is more credible than one sensible.

wow big words dawood. general statement about whom??? about the merci of the worlds?? about the mother of all believers?? and this general statement?? are you sure you are muslim?? ok lets say if i wanna say some general statement for your mother and father what will be your reaction?? apart from declaring some members fake??

12:08 pm (5 hours ago)

Dawood (away)


what words are you talking about?

these? :

This is what you said about PROPHET (SAW) AND HADRAT AYESHA RA

We all also know that it is not always possible for a mature woman and man to have sex and conceive.

A person with "nomral" english comprehension skill would take this statement as a GENERAL FACT and not a SPECIFIC statement regarding Ayesha (R.A) and Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

A person with normal and proper comprehension skill WILL NOT EVEN TAKE THE SECOND MEANING OUT OF IT which you and those others did. *with proper english comprehension* that statement doesn't even have ANY hidden second meaning. It is as clear of a general statement as it can be.

Im sorry but your comprehension skill is really bad and not only that you always bring in unrelated quranic verses and make awful analogies.

Who is talking to the Prophet (PBUH) here? Who is raising there voice on Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) here? Who is addressing there reply to Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?

Tell me what exactly is wrong with this statement:


We all also know that it is not always possible for a mature woman and man to have sex and conceive.

be specific.

this hypocrite is defining that general statements are ok for our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and Hazrat Ayesha (RA) and saying we should have better comprehension nauzubillah

Dawood supporting disrespect of Sahaba in scrap of a member who complained against Sana

just wait lots more coming as you can see his display pic you can find this person easily

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